
My name is Kali. My favorite thing about the internet is connecting to people with shared interests. These days, it seems a good way to do that is through newsletters.

So this is mine.

You can expect monthly updates on zines I make and my other creative projects. I like showing my work in progress, so you’ll see stuff along the way and not only the finished work.

I also like sharing interesting things I’ve found through other people, so the newsletter will have some of that, too.

Subscribing is free.

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By subscribing, every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

No interference from social media algorithms and no websites to remember to check.

You can see more of my work on my blog and on Instagram. If you’re interested in purchasing my zines, please visit my Etsy shop.

Subscribe to Mythical Type

Monthly updates on my zines and creative projects. Plus interesting things I find through other people. Subscribing is free.


Sometimes I write, and sometimes I draw. I prefer making stuff that combines both, especially when it’s for fun. instagram.com/kali.kambo mythicaltype.etsy.com